Christadelphian Websites
To find out where Christadelphians are active near you, visit Worldwide Christadelphian meetings map.
The Christadelphian bookshop and publishing team maintain an excellent website at .
The Gospel is the teaching of Jesus and the Apostles who followed him. It was taught by the Old Testament prophets and appears throughout the Bible. For a website dedicated to explaining the basics of this Gospel of Jesus Christ, with a graphical summary (the Gospel in Brief) and a more detailed explanation (the Gospel), visit The Gospel Online.
For a Christadelphian site which looks at the news as it fulfils Bible prophecy, visit the online version of The Bible Magazine,
For the online version of Glad Tidings, a Christadelphian magazine explaining Bible teaching in simple terms, visit
For a site which offers Bible courses, downloadable literature and comments on current affairs in the light of Bible teaching, visit tries to show the answers contained in the Bible for many of life's big questions.
The Bible Exhibition now has its own website...
For a site which examines Bible teaching and its relevance for us today visit
For a challenge to examine some arresting ideas in the light of Bible teaching visit
There are numerous sources of software for Bible study on computers. Most make multiple translations available, as well as concordances, lexicons, and commentaries and many of these software packages are free [except when they include modules based on copyrighted works - they usually pass on only the minimum copyright fee]. We have no connection with any of these organisations, but have found the Bible versions and tools they supply to be of considerable benefit and have no hesitation in recommending them, especially for personal Bible study.